
No BS Wholesaling 101:

Access The New NO-BS Wholesaling 101 Master Class Training At 96% Off!

Do Your 1st Profitable Real Estate Deal In Next 30-60 Days, Without Needing Lots Of Cash, A Bank Loan, Or Any Experience!

Get Instant Access to 7 Complete Modules Teaching You Step-By-Step The Secrets to Profitably Wholesaling Houses For Less Than $20!

Finding Off-Market Real Estate Deals

Check our our 6-part course on finding off-market real estate deals.

In this course, we go over:

  • Marketing Plan
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Realtors, Foreclosures and Driving for Dollars
  • FSBOs, Bandit Signs, and Inherited Leads
  • Direct Mail
  • Online Driving for Dollars, Finding Vacant Lots, and Using Online Public Tax Records
Buy/Wholesale Turnkey Rental Deals

Buy/Wholesale Turnkey Rental Deals

This video shows you what to do if you’re going to buy or wholesale a turnkey (rent-ready property) rental deal to another investor.

Buyers or Sellers First?

Buyers or Sellers First?

There are two schools of thought on whether you should have buyers or sellers first. We’ll cover both here in this Wholesaling 101 article.

3 Ways to Get Sellers Now

3 Ways to Get Sellers Now

Although there are no easy solutions, this article outlines three different strategies you can use to find motivated house sellers now!

Talking to Sellers

Talking to Sellers

This article will help you to assess those incoming real estate seller leads and know how to turn them into viable opportunities.

Finding Cash Buyers

Finding Cash Buyers

Find buyers quickly! This articles covers a variety of places and tactics that you can use to find cash buyers for your projects.

Lead to Contract in Minutes!

Lead to Contract in Minutes!

With Rehab Valuator you can now go from “lead” to “contract” in minutes! All the info about the seller & the property is there with a push of a button.