How to Fund Your Development Deals Real Estate Financing Made Easy! HOME9 REHABBING & GROUND UP9 HOW TO FUND YOUR DEVELOPMENT DEALS Fund Any Development Project Easier with These Techniques! Whether you're building to sell or doing build to rent, you'll discover how...
Development Feasibility & Lender Proposals with Rental Comps Want to know how to use the new rental comps in your Rehab Valuator Premium software? Walk through this quick 16-unit development case study with us and we'll show you for your next acquisition or...
Commercial Rehab Purchase, Financing, and Deal Structure Training! HOME9 REHABBING & GROUND UP9 COMMERCIAL REHAB PURCHASE, FINANCING, AND DEAL STRUCTURE TRAINING This is a detailed Training and Case Study on a Commercial Rehab Deal. We go through commercial deal...
How to Get Up to 100% for New Build Rentals HOME9 REHABBING & GROUND UP9 HOW TO GET UP TO 100% FOR NEW BUILD RENTALS Building new construction rentals comes with it's set of challenges but there are also many advantages to this business model. One of these...
Download 5-Page Presentation that Got Me a $600,000 Loan HOME9 REHABBING & GROUND UP9 DOWNLOAD THE 5-PAGE PRESENTATION THAT GOT ME A $600,000 LOAN This is the exact 5 page presentation that I used to secure a 93% construction loan for a 3 new “built for...
Refinancing Case Study and Presentation Download (BRRR: Build, Rent, Refi, Repeat) HOME9 REHABBING & GROUND UP9 REFINANCING CASE STUDY AND PRESENTATION DOWNLOAD This is a quick BRRR (Build, Rent, Refi, Repeat) and refinancing training for 6 new build duplexes of...