High Volume Wholesalings, Fix-n-Flips, and Rentals!

Frank Cava has built a huge investing business in Richmond, VA. Every year he does 200+ deals including wholesaling, fix and flips and rentals. This interview includes great real estate investment advice and is an uber-insightful look into Frank's business, how he got started, his current business model and his take on what the future of real estate investing holds. If you want to learn investment property tips about wholesaling, house flipping, building a rental portfolio, or raising private money, this is a MUST SEE!

Summary of Call:

• 3:23 The importance of using your “unique skills” and how to leverage that to grow a successful business
• 6:35 How to hire the right people effectively, empower them to do their jobs and inspire/motivate them to stay
• 17:34 How Frank decides which deals to keep, which to wholesale and which to fix and flip
• 19:13 Who makes the real money in real estate: “traders” or “owners”
• 24:53 Deal sourcing and how to do it correctlyl
• 31:34 The importance of the right marketing message to fill your deal pipeline
• 36:02 Targeting owners of big portfolios of properties (landlords) for massive deal flow
• 40:19 Frank’s formula for deciding whether to wholesale or rehab a specific deal
• 43:00 How Frank got started and financed his deals in the beginning and how he gets private money now
• 47:29 How to get private money if you’re new
• 52:46 How Frank uses the BRRRR strategy
• 56:16 How to survive the next recession

How to Get In Touch with Frank:


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